We Can Help You Break the “Get Fit”, “Get Injured”, “Go to Rehab” Cycle
The Age of Enlightenment in Fitness Has Come!
The Current Fitness Model, a vicious cycle, look all too familiar to you? It’s a harmful cycle on your body, not to mention your wallet! Because previous injuries can come back to haunt you if you don’t get permanent solutions. You start an exercise program, you get injured, and you eventually get rehabilitated and heal. And you spend lots of money in the process. Or maybe this hasn’t happened to you, but you know someone who has been through it.

Break the Cycle Once and For All
Simply by having your Trainer perform an Integrated Fitness Assessment™ (IFA) BEFORE you begin an exercise program to uncover your musculoskeletal imbalances. Then, armed with in-depth knowledge of your unique needs, and many times with the aid of another practitioner (chiropractor, massage and/or physical therapist, physician, acupuncturist, etc.), you can embark on a program that will be more fulfilling, more satisfying, and one that delivers a level of health and vitality that may have been long forgotten…
The Age of Enlightenment in Fitness
This means that more and more Trainers are taking a truly integrated approach, an approach that overlooks nothing when it comes to your health and goals. It means administering scientifically sound and evidence-based assessment protocols to design a meticulous program that addresses your imbalances and intends to restore balance to not just your physical system, but all of your other body systems as well. It means not taking a “cookie-cutter” or “one size fits all” attitude with Clients. Whether you’ve been previously injured or you’re one of the lucky minorities that has not, it does NOT completely erase your chances. It DOES reduce them, and if you follow the program, it will stay that way.
The Current Fitness Model
Is failing the exercising population and the amount of exercise-related injuries are reaching drastic and astonishing levels. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC),
“More than 10,000 people receive treatment in the nation’s emergency departments (ED) each day for injuries sustained in Sports, Recreation, and Exercise (SRE) activities. At least one of every five ED visits for an injury results from participation in sports or recreation. In 1999, Americans made an estimated 1.5 million ED visits for injuries sustained while playing basketball, baseball, softball, football, or soccer. Approximately 715,000 sports and recreation injuries occur each year in school settings alone. Injuries are also a leading reason people stop participating in potentially beneficial physical activity.”
My Passion is YOUR Transformation!
At Armstrong Integrative Movement, LLC, my life’s passion is to stay healthy, fit, and injury-free, and to help others do the same. I am also passionate about helping people return to a state of true wellness: getting out of pain and becoming healthier in mind as well as the body. For many of us, the goal is weight loss. Does the following sound familiar? Regardless of your stress levels or the amount of sleep you’ve had, you pound away for long periods of time on motorized equipment (that eventually will increase dysfunction!) in hopes of shedding those unwanted pounds? Is your result a tired, stressed-out body that is resistant to letting go of fat (especially for women). Then you’re frustrated and left wondering why, if you’re so “fit,” you still have extra weight that won't budge, chronic or acute joint aches and pains, and/or you can’t sleep, and/or you’re irritable all the time! In the words of world-renowned Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist Paul Chek, “ you’re putting fitness on top of dysfunction.”
Welcome to The Enlightened Model: “Exercise Neurology”
I am a Trainer who embraces The Enlightened Model of training Movements, NOT Muscles. What does this mean, exactly? As your Trainer, I teach you how your brain learns movement patterns and how it learns in multiples – just raising your arm tells your brain to use many muscles, not just one. Part of the dilemma in the industry today is the prevailing notion that we can perform isolated movements (moving just one muscle to the exclusion of others) to stretch or strengthen our bodies with no regard to the rest. We don’t understand or fully appreciate just how completely interconnected our tissues and all of our body systems are! As your Trainer that is exactly what I teach you. You begin to have a new appreciation for how your body works, and as a result, become empowered to take a more independent approach to your health….and your life.
Free 60 Minute Initial Consultation
A comprehensive opportunity to discuss your dreams and goals while learning about my philosophy and methods. I will fill out an Initial Consultation Questionnaire (ICQ) which covers things like health history, past or present injuries, work-related information, eating habits, sleep patterns, and much more… Contact Me Now To Schedule Your Free Consultation.