“Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” Mattie Stepaneck
Small group personal training
Training with family, friends, or other like-minded individuals with similar goals and fitness levels is highly time-efficient and productive, fun, rewarding, and affordable. At Armstrong Integrative Movement, you can train with one, two, or three other people in a supportive environment with carefully-designed interactive programs. Each person must first go through the IC (Initial Consultation) and IFA (TM) (Integrated Fitness Assessment) prior to their group sessions.
See Prices page for rates.
ELDOA Classes
ELDOA spinal decompression classes are scheduled on a regular, seasonal basis as 6-week sessions, one hour, twice per week. Additionally, the ELDOA mini-series of 6 1-hour classes are held throughout the year.
For more information, please see the ELDOA page and prices page.
Free 60 Minute Initial Consultation
A comprehensive opportunity to discuss your dreams and goals while learning about my philosophy and methods. I will fill out an Initial Consultation Questionnaire which covers things like health history, past or present injuries, work-related information, eating habits, sleep patterns, and much more… Contact Me Now To Schedule Your Free Consultation.