The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius
Reach Your Goals
Phase II: Functional Fitness – 6 to 12 months and beyond
Objective: To move beyond correction and restoration into the realm of strength, flexibility, and energy system (cardiovascular) training, once the Client has consistently met all requirements in Phase I and shows proficiency in all areas. The Client has reached a score of 14 or higher on the FMS(TM).
This training will enhance activities of daily living (ADL’s) as well as general fitness and recreational sports for the Client to experience fewer joint restrictions, and consequently, their movements. Clients will also experience improved strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. Many Clients will remain in this Phase as their goals do not dictate that they move out of the Phase. They will continue to use corrective strategies as “preparatory” (as in a “warmup”), but for a different purpose: that of maintaining quality movement patterns so their imbalances don’t return.
Clients will learn how to work out using a periodized training program designed by the Trainer which may or may not include an introduction to agility, speed, power, and high-intensity training (HIT). They will experience increased independence from the Trainer as they do more work at home or in their gym or setting of choice.
Phase III: Specificity Training – a minimum of 12 months in Phase II and beyond
Objective: To move into the realm of strength, flexibility, and energy system (cardiovascular) training specifically designed for competitive sports for the more serious athlete, once the Client has consistently met all requirements in Phase II and shows proficiency in all areas.
The Client will work closely with the Trainer to meet their specific goals for their sport(s) with careful attention to periodization techniques. The programs may include speed, agility, power, and high-intensity training (HIT) techniques.
IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL clients, regardless of phase, undergo a full re-evaluation every six months to ensure that they are progressing and not regressing, which will increase their chance of injury.
Free 60 Minute Initial Consultation
A comprehensive opportunity to discuss your dreams and goals while learning about my philosophy and methods. I will fill out an Initial Consultation Questionnaire which covers things like health history, past or present injuries, work-related information, eating habits, sleep patterns, and much more… Contact Me Now To Schedule Your Free Consultation.