“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, and do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." - Bruce Lee
Free Initial Consultations
Embarking on an exercise program with a trainer can be daunting. At Armstrong Integrative Movement, I believe in removing that intimidation by offering you, my potential client, the opportunity to sit down with me and get better acquainted with each other. There is no financial obligation at this point, just the chance to tell me about you and what your goals and dreams are. My job is to help you get from where you are now to those goals and dreams! During this 60-75-minute process, I will fill out an Initial Consultation Questionnaire (ICQ) based on your answers which covers:
Health history (including the most stressful events in your life)
Injuries (past and/or present, including car accidents, falls, etc.)
The current state of health and symptoms (including any medications)
Treatments / Results
Type of work and schedule
Sleep patterns
Fitness and athletic experience (if applicable)
Eating habits
Goals / why they are important to you
Your commitment level to your own goals and to your individualized program
Your commitment level to working with me
When we have completed the questionnaire, I will give you a short presentation of my preliminary findings based on your responses to the questionnaire. You will gain an understanding of my training philosophy and then schedule your Integrated Fitness Assessment (IFA)™ Even if you choose not to proceed, you will have gained a wealth of knowledge.
Free 60 Minute Initial Consultation
A comprehensive opportunity to discuss your dreams and goals while learning about my philosophy and methods. I will fill out an Initial Consultation Questionnaire which covers things like health history, past or present injuries, work-related information, eating habits, sleep patterns, and much more… Contact Me Now To Schedule Your Free Consultation.