1. Your body is comprised of 70% WATER. NOT coffee, tea, soda, lemonade, alcohol, sports drinks, or good-for-you smoothies. These fluids do NOT count as true body hydration, as any liquid that is not water is digested, and must pass through your liver.
2. Coffee, tea, and other beverages such as alcohol dehydrate your body, they do NOT contribute to overall hydration. For each cup of coffee or tea; for each ounce of alcohol; the same amount of water in ounces must replace the dehydrating liquid.
3. ½ your body weight in ounces should be consumed per day for optimal metabolic function (the complete range of biochemical processes in the body). This does NOT include exercise or sweating! Most people are nowhere close to that amount. Try increasing your total daily water intake by several ounces of water per week.
4. An adequate daily water intake can reduce arthritic pain and symptoms.
5. You should always begin your day with TWO 8-10 ozs. glasses of water, upon rising.
6. When under stress, your body uses up much more water, making the need for hydration much more urgent. Most people are familiar with the term “fight or flight.” This is our “stressed out” state, and a number of physiological things occur: dry mouth; increased respiration, perspiration, and circulation; and the urge to urinate, all requiring the replacement of water.
7. Water is stored in the body’s tissues, particularly the fasciae. Fasciae is the connective tissue surrounding and enveloping the entire body in one continuous, web-like structure. It wraps muscle tissue and runs between muscle fibers. It is HIGHLY water-dependent for optimal smooth “gliding.”
8. The brain can exhibit decreased cognitive function with only a 2% decrease in hydration. Got “fog brain” or are forgetful? Drink water!
9. SIP your FOOD, EAT your water! When eating, chew each bite until it is liquid in your mouth, to aid digestion. This is akin to “sipping.” Do NOT drink water when eating! If you do, take in very little, as “washing down” food with large amounts of water or other liquids will dilute your digestive enzymes. When this happens, your organs will have to work that much harder to generate much more digestive enzymes to do the job.
10. Drink the majority of your water IN BETWEEN MEALS. It takes time for your body to absorb the water you drink. If your digestive system is well-hydrated hours before you eat, it’s going to work that much more efficiently when it has food to digest. Trying to hydrate to help digestion right before eating is too late.